BREAKING NEWS --- Benjamin's Umbilical Cord Stump fell off last night
We were so very fortunate today to have Benjamin's 2-week check up done at home by Nurse Charlotte. Only the Navy Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS) offers a home visit by the "visiting nurses" (That's right, for Navy and Marine Corps only - just one more reason to Beat Army!) It was very comforting to share the 2 hours with Charlotte, where we could rapid fire questions and she could demonstrate on our real live test baby (Benjamin). Bottom line, Benjamin is a healthy little boy and what she describes a "feeder and a grower" and "long".
Weight status:
Birth.....................................8 lbs 2.4 oz
2 Day....................................7 lbs 15 oz
2 Weeks...............................9 lbs 1 oz
Additionally we learned all about "Tummy Time" and how this helps in Benjamin's development (next update will contain video of his "workout"). Mom and Dad have already mapped out a training plan to have Benjamin walking in about 2 or 3 weeks.
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