11 - 12 May 2010
(1000) - Erika teaching at Water Aerobics Class complains of "Gas Pains" - the ladies she teaches tell her she's in labor. Erika is adamant it's "Gas Pains".
(1130) - Erika calls Greg says shes very uncomfortable because of "Gas Pains"
(1430) - A few phone calls back and forth Greg makes decision to leave work to be with Erika
(1530) - Greg arrives home, begins to time "Gas Pains" (just in case)
(1630) - The Stopwatch, Doctor, and Greg all agree that Erika's been in labor pretty much all day (contractions, previously described as "Gas Pains" are now 45-60 seconds long, 2.5-3 minutes apart)
(1730) - Arrive at Tripler Army Hospital. Erika refuses Wheelchair. (Why is she so tough?)
(1800) - Admitted to Birthing Triage (this is where they separate those in labor and those who think they're in labor). Erika is 7cm dilated and in Transition Labor.
(1900) - Move to Birthing Room.
(1900 - 2145) - Active Labor
(2145 - 0014) - Active Pushing
(2339) - Nurses begin to take bets on whether or not "Jr" will be born "today" or "tomorrow".
(2340) - Erika makes comment about wanting grapes when this is all over with (everybody laughs - even Erika).
(0014) - Benjamin William Adams makes grand appearance
(0020) - Greg counts 10 fingers, 10 toes
Okay, them's the facts. Now let me clue you in to the queues that nobody tells you about. There's not a doctor living that can tell you how long labor lasts, but there are a few clues that let the unexpecting Father know, something is about to happen. Cousin Steve - listen up!
1. When the Midwife continually leaves the room to make a phone call - that Baby's not coming out.
2. When the Midwife unpacks the "Baby Arrival Kit" wrapped up in sterile blue paper - you're closer, but not there yet.
3. When the Midwife dons her sterile smock and long gloves - you're much closer, but still not there.
4. When the nurse in the corner picks up the random "bat" phone on the table and says, "Delivery in Room Umpty Squatch" - you're so close you can imagine it, but still no Baby.
5. When 10 people you haven't seen all night suddenly march in to the delivery room and "man their battle stations" - You're close!
6. When nothing else seems to matter and time stands still - your Wife is giving birth to your Child; don't blink.
And those are the untold queues for every unsuspecting Father. And oh by the way, when the nurse in triage, at 7pm, tells you she'll be your nurse for the next 30 minutes - this doesn't mean this whole birthing process will be wrapped up by 7:30pm; it means the nurses' shift is up in 30 minutes. This is not the time to get excited - you've got a long night ahead of you.
Our friend Peg Tatum was the first one on scene to hold a blue hat and blanket. Benjamin, are you in there?:
Auntie Shelagh stops by to show Mom and Dad how to put Baby to sleep (like a pro!):
Jennifer and Philip Rogerson brought their 7 week old daughter Macy by to visit. Are arranged marriages illegal in Hawaii? Benjamin, I hope you like older women (only 1 trick up his sleeve right now - cry it out):
Thanks for the subtle clues. That should help. I'll give the nurse in the corner my mobile number so when she picks up the bat phone to call the team, she can call me at the pup as well!! Congrats on your arrival. He looks great!! We have a big boy on the way as well. This morning Christie measured at 37 weeks, while only at 34 weeks. Thanks for the updates and the words of advise.
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