Benjamin at the Newport Polo Grounds watching U.S.A versus Kenya. His t-shirt reads "Crabby But Cute".
Da-da and Benjamin at music class. Wagging the finger is sign language for "Where". Benjamin pulls the scarf off of Da-da's head as Da-da asks "Where's Daddy?"
Benjamin and Ma-ma sending off Da-da on a 3 day excursion to the Appalachian Trail.
Benjamin's second hair cut. The first haircut was done by Ma-ma at home. This one was done in a Big Boy Chair, as an emotional Ma-ma looks on.
Excuse me SIR, have you seen a little boy named Benjamin. What a Young MAN!
Grandma and Grandpa came to visit. Grandma and her boy.
Grandpa and his boy watching cartoons... couldn't decide which picture was best so I included all 4.
Music Class.... Peek-a-boo!
Mom's little helper. No joke... he's a strong little buggah!
Da-da clocked this fastball at 90+ mph. Notice he attempts both hands, but seems more comfortable throwing with his left. Yet to be determined.
Out little strong man!
Finally! I was getting Benjamin withdrawals. Thanks for the update!