An assortment of Benjamin Photos that have been piling up.... I know, I know....
Benjamin at the Newport Polo Grounds watching U.S.A versus Kenya. His
t-shirt reads "Crabby But Cute".
da and Benjamin at music class. Wagging the finger is sign language for "Where". Benjamin pulls the scarf off of
da's head as
da asks "Where's Daddy?"

Benjamin and Ma-ma sending off
da on a 3 day excursion to the Appalachian Trail.

Ma-ma and
da had the pleasure of a 3 night vacation (sans Benjamin) to Portsmouth NH. Lot's
of great pics, but the only one relevant to this blog is the
proof below that Ma-ma and
da slept in past 6:00am.

Benjamin's second hair cut. The first haircut was done by Ma-ma at home. This one was done in a Big Boy Chair, as an emotional Ma-ma looks on.

Excuse me SIR, have you seen a little boy named Benjamin. What a Young MAN!

Grandma and Grandpa came to visit. Grandma and her boy.
Grandpa and his boy watching cartoons... couldn't decide which picture was best so I included all 4.
Music Class.... Peek-a-boo!
Mom's little helper. No joke... he's a strong little buggah!
Da-da clocked this fastball at 90+ mph. Notice he attempts both hands, but seems more comfortable throwing with his left. Yet to be determined.
Out little strong man!