Benjamin and Ma-ma headed to Florida for some sun and fun, and to visit our long lost friends from Hawaii -- Macy and Jen
You might recognize Macy and Jen from the next two photos. Macy was the first Baby to visit Benjamin at home:

....And his first hand holding.

And here are those two beach babes, lapping up the Florida sun! Cheese!!!

Ma-ma and her little beach babe...

Best seat in the house...

Blah!, blah! blah! blah!

Going, going.....


Bath time and

Chase me! Chase me!

High tea anyone! Lovely ladies and their hats, Macy, and Benjamin:

May I have this dance?

"Mom, seriously? Please get this lamp-shade off my head. You're
embarrassing me."


Handsome bunch!

Macy showing Benjamin how to "splash! splash!"

Benjamin in his watercraft:

Pirate attack! "Give me all of your Mum Mum Crackers and no one gets hurt."

Benjamin and his Ma-ma at the beach!

The story of the Bee and the Flower. Too cute!
Now that's a picture worth a thousand words! Macy swipes a cracker and Benjamin and Mom's reaction are priceless. Benjamin is speechless.


"Excuse me, have you seen the gym around here?'

I love the matching rashies. So when's the wedding? Do i need to book my flight soon?