Okay, all right already... we know it's been a while, but we hope to quench those toddler
tastebuds with this opening picture. Of note, Benjamin starting to eat solid food (i.e. mushy oatmeal; nothing too solid about it actually). LOOK AT THAT FACE!

Auntie Alana rolls up her sleeves. "Auntie, you really know the way to a man"s heart is through his stomach!"

"Mom, when do I start eating steak? Medium rare please"

"I ate too much mushy oatmeal!" - Fat guy in a little chair

"Time to work it off in the Jumper"

"Now it's time to relax on the beach"

"I am more of a second beach guy. You can see the church where Mom and Dad got married" - Saint George's in the distance.

We celebrated Alicia's 21st birthday... again. Of course! At the Atlantic Beach Club, in style.

All the cousins were there to help celebrate and eat cake!
Ladies, ladies, ladies!

The 'dudes' in between meals (Benjamin's meal - then Dad's meal)

Too much partying! (One of the very few instances you'll see Benjamin snuggled up to Mom in Mom's bed)

Of course we can't sleep too long without food. It helps when you have a long line of enthusiastic volunteers. Baby-sitter in training, Cousin Jordan at the bottle.

Dad and his buddy at church. God is great!
A 24 hour Grandma pit stop. Grandma needed her Benjamin fix. More like Benjamin needed his Grandma fix; Grandma's little buddy!
Aww so cute! Thanks for the update.
ReplyDeleteThanks Scott! We've been thinking and praying for you. Love you guys!