LADIES, LADIES, LADIES... High Tea anyone? Hanging with the lady friends, having tea and crumpets, and saying goodbye to our dearest friend Jessica Cacamo Reyes (only use her middle name when you're calling her out or trying to make a point); Hats optional.
We offered to babysit for our neighbor and friend Gina Redford (Johnny Redford, now deployed on Lake Erie, served with Greg in STETHEM / Yokosuka Japan). Call it a test run, a pre-game warm up, a loaner baby; whatever you call it, it was a peek in to the future. Although only 1-hour, it was very telling. Dad (Greg) walks in sees Mom (Erika) leaning over Baby (Jude Redford) on the couch, smiles, asks Dad to watch Baby while she goes in the other room. Smiling, happy baby turns fussy, crying baby in a matter of seconds. Mom goes for bottle, Dad begins to walk with baby on shoulder... I've got it! Dad hands Baby to Mom and goes for the toys. Ah hah! The automated vibrating Baby Chair / Gym (gift from our friends Ryan and Summer). This is an emergency - no time for instructions! Cardboard, plastic and pieces parts flying. 15 minutes later Dad comes out with half assembled Baby Chair.... and Mom and Baby, calmly (no longer fussy and crying) turn to laugh at Dad. I think these roles are assigned at birth - sorry Junior!
John Paul Jones takes one look and slowly turns over in his crypt. Ta-da! The new Blue Digi (short for Digital) Cammies. The sanctioned title is Navy Working Uniform or "N-W-U". I've been fighting tooth and nail, but orders are orders. I'm sure I'll get used to it... kind of like blogging.
High Tea @ Raffle's?