Benjamin asked Dad to play "letters"... don't mind if I beam with pride... but this is awesome!
Everyone needs a personal planner...
Crazy Cookoo-bird!
I give Noah 6 months before he catches Benjamin
LOVES his scooter. Our neighbors let Benjamin have this scooter, and he loves it!!!!
Before he departed RI, Benjamin tries his hand at Lacrosse. "How's that feel on your kneecap cousin Shea?"
DISCO!!!! (I think these same songs were played at my High School Prom.)
Noah's first haircut!
Mamma tickle-fingers
These two love to wrestle in bed.
Noah solo dance performance
We went to visit some friends (Luke, Karen, and Trevor Watson) in San Luis Obispo:
Best buddies:
Come on!!!! You gotta admit he's good (must get it from the Silva-side of the family)
A regular Pele on our hands (Okay, settle down Dad)
Who's the kid with the yellow pom-poms doing his own thing?
Another dance party with Ms. Becky.
Mamma reading to her Hockey Bubba! GO BRUINS!
This picture gets shown at Benjamin's wedding rehearsal dinner...
Don't worry buddy, we all got 'em (Here's daddy's):
Brotherly Love!!!!
Noah's first bike ride.
I'm ready Dad!!!! Got my helmet, Check!
Do you know this messy guy?!
Favorite time = Saturday morning cartoons