Born 12 May 2010, Honolulu Hawaii

Friday, December 23, 2011

Gymnastics and Vocabulary

Benjamin's vocabulary seems to be expanding daily. Here are the words Mama and Dada can decipher--as there are several more we're probably just not catching:

Yes, No, Puppy, Oops, Hot dog, Duck, One, Two, Three, Turtle, Night, Stars, Moon, Gus, Puck, Stick, Truck, Hat, Shoes, Juice, Done, Up, Hot, That, Mama, Dada, Bus, Car, Cracker, Tractor, Dog, Eyes, Nose, Yuck, Ball, Blue, Apple, Cool, Tree; Noises for a Cow, Horse, Sheep, Owl, Lion. And just before I wrote this, he looked at the tub and said "Bath".

Dada got to fill in for Mama at Baby Gymnastics at the YMCA. Our favorite is the first video.... is that amazing or what? He loves to run around!!!!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Ice Hockey and Turtles

One last thing before we get on the ice... a helmet. Benjamin is patient enough to pose for this picture as he tried on helmets. The helmet he is wearing is for 3-Years+; that's a big head.

We got on the ice, but weren't too keen on the skates. Here's our little hockey star being pulled around the rink by members of the St. George's Women's Ice Hockey Team.

On our way to the rink, we stopped for breakfast. One of Benjamin's new words, "Turtle."

Speed demon Benjamin...

Monday, December 5, 2011

Yes... yes she did

Not sure if we've gone over the top on this one... but when you watch the first video, and you see how the young lad has taken so naturally to the sport... it helps to explain the purchase you see in the follow on videos. What you don't see is the skates (those will be under the tree - but of course he tried them on and they fit!!!)

Benjamin has seen several ice live hockey games now, and sat on the couch with Ma-ma and watched ice hockey with a big 'Ol grin on his face. So the movements you're seeing can only be those he's learned watching ice hockey. These first two videos he is using a toy golf club.

A young man needs the right equipment for the job... right?

A two sport athlete. I mean, the kid knows how to kick a ball.

Benjamin right now is asleep in his crib clutching tight to his "Tick"... his little Boston Bruins hockey stick. I mean, can you blame him? Benjamin's Ma-ma is the coolest.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Benjamin - On the Mend

It is obvious from these pictures and videos that our not-so-little man is feeling better after a respiratory infection turned ear infection. His cold is gone, and his ear no longer a bother...

"Sheriff" Benjamin is tough on Germs - His new word, "YUCK!"
Auntie Heather got this for me... Thanks Auntie Heather!

This is what it would be like if Toddlers competed in the Olympics. "Next up, Benjamin Adams in the Decathalon." In this event the athlete has to throw a ball, hit a ball with a hockey stick, then a golf club, and then run through the finish.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Busy Little Boy

Benjamin and one of the rare occasions he was in full Halloween costume. He is our LITTLE MONSTER!!!

Hanging out in his half costume at Mr. Luke, Karen and Trevor Watson's house for a Halloween party... where's that CANDY!!?

Dressed in his Sunday's best ready for Church.

Order Up!!! I'll take a Milk on the rocks, hold the ice.

Helping his Auntie Alana make Halloween Cookies - Smocked up and ready to get messy!!!!

Auntie Alana, let me show you the makings of a good cookie.

Our friend's from Church, Alana Watson watches Benjamin. Looks like a scary movie...

Busy little boy!!!!

This is either tryouts for the next Olympic Hockey Team, or one minute in the life of a very busy boy....

Sunday, October 23, 2011


A visit by Grandma and Grandpa coincided with the opening of the Ballard Park Pumpkin Trail... lots of COOL Pumpkins.

Grandpa! Over there, we have a LOT more pumpkins to SEE!!!

Faster Grandpa, Faster... it's getting close to my bedtime.

Benjamin is becoming quite the daring climber. This is just a taste of his climbing exploits. He's been one step from the kitchen counters - but for obvious reasons that will not be condoned, and therefore not on the blog. He's sneaky... and talking up a storm.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

A GREAT Fall Weekend!

Last weekend Benjamin went to his very first Portuegese-American cultural festival in Tuoro Park in Newport. Pop-pop said the only way to become a real Portuguese Man was to eat a Chaurico (pronounced "Chaurice") Sandwich -- Benjamin came away a "Real Portugee".

P.s. don't miss the videos at the very end!

Portuguese War-paint to commemorate the occasion.

Back home cruising around in his footie P.J.'s.
Several trips to the beach over the last couple weekends. Mom and Benjamin on the slide at First Beach:
Our little seashell finder:
A surprise visit by Pop-pop on the beach. Benjamin directing the shot:

Benjamin has becoem quite the swing connesuer.
Ma-ma and her Baby at the Newport Carousel:

Benjamin on the loose:

Crazy Dancer:

Crazy driver:

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

New Post (Only took 2 months) and NEW NEWS!

Sorry, sorry, sorry. To Benjamin's adoring fans we apologize ten-fold. But we have news of some new news.

Erika is once again pregnant, due in April 2012. And so, the blog continues. We can't promise we'll be as diligent with the blogging, seeing that we're in the same time zone, and in most cases the same township as our respective families - and so most of our updates will be LIVE. But for those adoring fans that watch from afar... we'll indulge you.

But for now, we have some great pics and a VERY funny video of Benjamin eating an apple.

Benjamin's newest thing is to eat the entire apple. He tries to eat the core before Ma-ma or Da-da takes it away from him. The funniest part is the finger.... gotta watch out for that finger!

The next 9 pictures are from a Labor Day gathering at the Burnley residence. Jordan and Benjamin riding the tractor, playing chase me, and watching the chickens. Of note, Benjamin did get one of his little fingers pecked because the chickens thought they were little grubs.