The Braxton-hicks contractions have begun to become more frequent and intense. So frequent that Erika has to tell Dad how bad they are on scale of 1 - 10 so he can meter his reaction based on the intensity. So far we haven't exceeded 6 (Just for reference, a 6 is mild bruising and potential ligament damage -non-permanent- to Dad's hand as he grabs on for "comfort"). We can anticipate a 9 - 10 on the intensity scale to result in a bone crushing grip to the palm. Maybe we should keep Erika away from the gym (sorry Ed) as the big Day gets close - Dad's hands would appreciate it.
Some of Mom's friends at a recent Shower thrown by Shelagh Tavuchis. 1 Month Old, Macy Grace with her Mom Jennifer Rogerson; look at that cutie patootie - Jr, watch out!!! Look at the view from Shelagh's back porch - I guess it pays to be married to CO of Troops, or errrrrr, in LTCOL Chris Tavuchis' case it pays to be married to Shelagh Tavuchis.
Debbie Schwab, a fellow Tennis Damsel
Jennifer Rogerson, a 1-Month veteran Mom.